Pilot Details
Pilot Name Uwotm8fitemelol
Corporation none
Kills 0
Losses 2
Efficiency 0%

Most recent kills

Ship / Kill Details Victim Final Blow Location / Date (GMT)
Ship_Race3_S_T3_Faction1.png Kite-M
Interceptor: Covert Ops
default.png Uwotm8fitemelol
[SoL] Sons of Libe..
0.png firekingdgems (2)
[FROG] FrogSwarm
Ancient Ruins
2016-06-08 20:44:40
Ship_Race3_S_T3_Faction1.png Kite-M
Interceptor: Covert Ops
default.png Uwotm8fitemelol
[SoL] Sons of Libe..
0.png firekingdgems (2)
[FROG] FrogSwarm
Ancient Ruins
2016-06-08 20:42:48
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KB v1.1.23 - Created by the DFT