Corporation Details
Corp Tag [AC]
Corp Name Les Ailes Celestes
KB Members 6
Kills 38
Losses 27
Efficiency 58%
Top Killer (all times)
Pilot Kills Corp
Smorg 25 66%
CrazyFalcon 6 16%
Axoul60 5 13%
Fryiot 2 5%
SadoX 2 5%
Top Looser (all times)
Pilot Loss Corp
Axoul60 9 33%
Smorg 8 30%
Fryiot 2 7%
Marbre 2 7%
couguar 2 7%

Most recent kills

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Ship / Kill Details Victim Final Blow Location / Date (GMT)
Ship_Race3_S_T2_Faction2.png Hawk-Eye
Interceptor: Recon
2.png petitpiche
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
0.png Filigrame (1)
[FROG] FrogSwarm
Station 'Guardian-17'
2016-12-15 17:16:53
Ship_Race3_M_T5_Premium.png Rockwell
Fighter: Tackler
default.png ExALT
2.png CrazyFalcon (1)
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
Station 'Mendes-IX'
2016-11-30 21:00:52
Ship_Race1_H_T3.png Invincible
Destroyer: Suppressor
default.png Shyxov991
[ASL] ApertureScie..
0.png kenchan (5)
[FROG] FrogSwarm
Station 'Guardian-17'
2016-11-30 20:53:52
Ship_Race2_H_T3.png Archon
Destroyer: Suppressor
default.png kolan96
[OTB] Only the Best
2.png CrazyFalcon (3)
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
Station 'Guardian-17'
2016-11-30 20:51:59
Ship_Race1_H_T3.png Invincible
Destroyer: Suppressor
default.png Shyxov991
[ASL] ApertureScie..
2.png CrazyFalcon (3)
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
Station 'Guardian-17'
2016-11-30 20:51:42
Ship_Race3_M_T2_Faction2.png Silent Fox
Fighter: Tackler
4.png Cronin
0.png apocalypse77 (2)
[FROG] FrogSwarm
2016-11-29 20:17:02
Ship_Race3_H_T4.png Antares
Destroyer: Suppressor
5.png grande18
[IT4LY] Tricolor H..
2.png Smorg (4)
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
Station 'New Eden'
2016-11-25 20:36:13
Ship_Race3_M_T5_Craft.png Jaguar
Fighter: Tackler
0.png Silmerias (4)
[FROG] FrogSwarm
Control Post
2016-11-13 15:33:33
Ship_Race3_M_T5_Craft.png Jaguar
Fighter: Tackler
2.png CrazyFalcon (2)
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
Control Post
2016-11-13 15:28:12
Ship_Race3_H_T5.png Sirius
Destroyer: Suppressor
2.png SadoX
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
default.png PrimeEduard (2)
Station 'New Eden'
2016-11-11 22:01:30
Ship_Race3_L_T2_Faction2.png Alligator Mk II
Frigate: Engineer
default.png PrimeEduard
2.png SadoX (1)
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
Station 'New Eden'
2016-11-11 22:01:05
Ship_Race1_L_T1.png Harpy
Frigate: Long Range
default.png raginghavok777
2.png SadoX (2)
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
Station 'New Eden'
2016-11-11 22:00:40
Ship_Race3_M_T5_Craft.png Jaguar
Fighter: Tackler
2.png CrazyFalcon
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
default.png Jormundgrund (2)
[JBC] Jet Black Corp
Station 'New Eden'
2016-11-11 21:59:56
Ship_Race3_M_T5_Premium.png Rockwell
Fighter: Tackler
2.png Fryiot
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
default.png raginghavok777 (1)
Station 'New Eden'
2016-11-11 21:59:34
Ship_Race3_M_T5_Craft.png Jaguar
Fighter: Tackler
default.png 6aiusBaltar
[FAITH] Last Man S..
2.png Smorg (3)
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
Station 'New Eden'
2016-10-22 16:27:06
Ship_Race3_S_T5.png Grey Falcon
Interceptor: Covert Ops
2.png Smorg
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
default.png TheDarkMatter (3)
[MINE] Gr33dy B4st..
Station 'New Eden'
2016-10-22 16:26:12
Ship_Race3_M_T5_Craft.png Jaguar
Fighter: Tackler
default.png 6aiusBaltar
[FAITH] Last Man S..
0.png electrospinal (3)
[FROG] FrogSwarm
Station 'New Eden'
2016-10-22 16:23:57
Ship_Race3_M_T5_Craft.png Jaguar
Fighter: Tackler
default.png 6aiusBaltar
[FAITH] Last Man S..
0.png Silmerias (3)
[FROG] FrogSwarm
Station 'New Eden'
2016-10-22 16:22:41
Ship_Race3_M_T5_Craft.png Jaguar
Fighter: Tackler
default.png 6aiusBaltar
[FAITH] Last Man S..
2.png Smorg (3)
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
Station 'New Eden'
2016-10-22 16:21:55
Ship_Race1_H_T3.png Invincible
Destroyer: Suppressor
default.png 6aiusBaltar
[FAITH] Last Man S..
2.png Smorg (3)
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
Station 'New Eden'
2016-10-22 16:20:24
Ship_Race1_H_T3.png Invincible
Destroyer: Suppressor
default.png 6aiusBaltar
[FAITH] Last Man S..
2.png Smorg (4)
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
Station 'New Eden'
2016-10-22 16:19:34
Ship_Race3_M_T5_Craft.png Jaguar
Fighter: Tackler
default.png 6aiusBaltar
[FAITH] Last Man S..
2.png Smorg (3)
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
Station 'New Eden'
2016-10-22 16:18:37
Ship_Race1_H_T3.png Invincible
Destroyer: Suppressor
default.png 6aiusBaltar
[FAITH] Last Man S..
2.png Smorg (3)
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
Station 'New Eden'
2016-10-22 16:17:26
Ship_Race3_H_T5.png Sirius
Destroyer: Suppressor
default.png Koromac
[MINE] Gr33dy B4st..
0.png Silmerias (4)
[FROG] FrogSwarm
Station 'New Eden'
2016-10-22 16:13:31
Ship_Race3_S_T5.png Grey Falcon
Interceptor: Covert Ops
2.png Smorg
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
default.png Koromac (1)
[MINE] Gr33dy B4st..
Station 'New Eden'
2016-10-22 16:13:29
Ship_Race3_H_T5.png Sirius
Destroyer: Suppressor
default.png Koromac
[MINE] Gr33dy B4st..
default.png 6aiusBaltar (4)
[FAITH] Last Man S..
Station 'New Eden'
2016-10-22 16:11:27
Ship_Race3_H_T5.png Sirius
Destroyer: Suppressor
default.png Koromac (SD)
[MINE] Gr33dy B4st..
0.png Silmerias (2)
[FROG] FrogSwarm
Station 'New Eden'
2016-10-22 16:09:57
Ship_Race3_M_T5_Craft.png Jaguar
Fighter: Tackler
5.png ComAlexei
[IT4LY] Tricolor H..
0.png Silmerias (3)
[FROG] FrogSwarm
Station 'Guardian-17'
2016-10-01 20:56:06
Ship_Race3_M_T5_Premium.png Rockwell
Fighter: Tackler
2.png Fryiot
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
5.png Sonic89 (3)
[IT4LY] Tricolor H..
Station 'Guardian-17'
2016-10-01 20:55:58
Ship_Race3_H_T4.png Antares
Destroyer: Suppressor
default.png 8Sizigy8
2.png Smorg (1)
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
Station 'New Eden'
2016-09-30 10:07:24
Ship_Race3_H_T4.png Antares
Destroyer: Suppressor
default.png 8Sizigy8
2.png Smorg (1)
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
Station 'New Eden'
2016-09-30 10:05:02
Ship_Race3_S_T5.png Grey Falcon
Interceptor: Covert Ops
2.png Smorg
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
default.png 8Sizigy8 (1)
Station 'New Eden'
2016-09-30 10:04:56
Ship_Race3_H_T4.png Antares
Destroyer: Suppressor
2.png couguar
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
0.png Magicus (6)
[FROG] FrogSwarm
Abandoned Beacon
2016-09-21 20:54:37
Ship_Race3_H_T4.png Antares
Destroyer: Suppressor
2.png couguar
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
0.png Magicus (5)
[FROG] FrogSwarm
Abandoned Beacon
2016-09-21 20:53:46
Ship_Race2_S_T2_Faction1.png Stiletto AE
Interceptor: ECM
2.png Smorg
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
4.png WlodziuHam (1)
[POL] Polish Hunters
2016-08-12 18:49:28
Ship_Race1_L_T1_Faction2.png Steel Harpy
Frigate: Long Range
default.png Zazazaz
2.png Smorg (1)
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
2016-08-03 14:43:02
Ship_Race2_L_T5_Faction2.png Inquisitor S
Frigate: Guard
2.png Smorg
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
4.png Navious (2)
[Zet] Zgrany Team Z
Station 'New Eden'
2016-06-17 22:54:47
Ship_Race3_H_T4.png Antares
Destroyer: Suppressor
4.png Navious (SD)
[Zet] Zgrany Team Z
2.png Smorg (1)
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
Station 'New Eden'
2016-06-17 22:53:54
Ship_Race2_L_T5_Faction2.png Inquisitor S
Frigate: Guard
2.png Smorg (SD)
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
4.png Navious (1)
[Zet] Zgrany Team Z
Station 'New Eden'
2016-06-17 22:53:32
Ship_Race3_S_T3_Faction1.png Kite-M
Interceptor: Covert Ops
4.png Navious
[Zet] Zgrany Team Z
2.png Smorg (1)
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
Station 'New Eden'
2016-06-17 22:49:20
Ship_Race2_L_T3_Faction1.png Ira Deus
Frigate: Long Range
4.png Navious
[Zet] Zgrany Team Z
2.png Smorg (1)
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
Station 'New Eden'
2016-06-17 22:35:35
Ship_Race3_L_T5_Premium.png Mammoth
Frigate: Engineer
default.png tryviaum
0.png Silmerias (2)
[FROG] FrogSwarm
Station 'New Eden'
2016-05-31 12:56:04
Ship_Race1_L_T5.png Dragon
Frigate: Long Range
4.png John161
[OWL] Owl Initiative
2.png Axoul60 (1)
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
Station 'New Eden'
2016-05-18 14:18:57
Ship_Race1_M_T3_Faction1.png Prometheus X
Fighter: Command
2.png Axoul60
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
4.png John161 (2)
[OWL] Owl Initiative
Station 'New Eden'
2016-05-18 14:18:49
Ship_Race3_M_T5_Premium.png Rockwell
Fighter: Tackler
2.png Smorg
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
4.png John161 (1)
[OWL] Owl Initiative
Station 'New Eden'
2016-05-18 14:18:31
Ship_Race3_H_T3.png Procyon
Destroyer: Suppressor
0.png jeanluc66
[FROG] FrogSwarm
2.png Axoul60 (2)
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
Station 'New Eden'
2016-05-18 14:14:40
Ship_Race1_L_T5.png Dragon
Frigate: Long Range
4.png John161
[OWL] Owl Initiative
0.png Silmerias (3)
[FROG] FrogSwarm
Station 'New Eden'
2016-05-18 14:14:17
Ship_Race3_H_T3.png Procyon
Destroyer: Suppressor
2.png Axoul60
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
4.png John161 (2)
[OWL] Owl Initiative
Station 'New Eden'
2016-05-18 14:13:33
Ship_Race3_L_T2_Faction1.png Alligator-M
Frigate: Engineer
default.png HeKCoH
2.png Smorg (4)
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
Station 'New Eden'
2016-05-18 14:12:58
Ship_Race1_L_T5.png Dragon
Frigate: Long Range
4.png John161
[OWL] Owl Initiative
2.png Axoul60 (5)
[AC] Les Ailes Cel..
Station 'New Eden'
2016-05-18 14:12:55
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KB v1.1.23 - Created by the DFT